Responsible entrepreneurship with an emphasis on the environment and safety of our employees, customers and visitors.
Compliance & Riwald Recycling
Corporate responsibility with an emphasis on the environment and safety of our employees, customers and visitors. Our certificates: ISO 14001, WEEELABEX, MRF quality mark, NIWO, Risk inventory & evaluation, VCA, ABCS OF DEMIL, CO2- Performanceladder and TMS MR-T.
ISO 14001
ISO 14001 is an internationally accepted standard that specifies the requirements for an appropriate environmental management and focuses specifically on controlling and improving environmental performance. Riwald Recycling meets with the legislation and regulations for the management of environmental risks.
Riwald Recycling is WEEELABEX (Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipment Label of Excellence) certified. In an international context, the recycling of electronic products, which are at the end of their product life cycle, will be boosted to a qualitatively higher level. The WEEELABEX standards set requirements for the entire processing process, including efficient raw material recovery in a responsible and sustainable way.
MRF quality mark
Riwald Recycling is a member of the Metal Recycling Federation (MRF) and is in possession of the MRF quality mark. It is established that we are working on sustainable business operations with (verifiable) care for safety, the environment and working conditions. Every year, independent external auditors assess whether Riwald Recycling still meets the quality mark requirements.
The Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment has granted a VIHB certificate to Riwald Recycling. This is a decree on waste & regulation for transporters, collectors, traders and intermediaries. Riwald Recycling meets these requirements of reliability and professional proficiency.
Risk inventory & evaluation
Riwald Recycling has a great responsibility for all its employees, suppliers and customers. Riwald Recycling is constantly concerned with the health, security, safety and working climate of our employees and visitors. That is why Riwald Recycling has compiled a Risk Inventory & Evaluation (RI& E) action plan which has been performed by a expert & the Health and Safety Service. Our employees obtain a VCA certificate (safety, health and environment), AED certificate and an ER certificate.
VCA certification is intended for companies which perform work with an increased risk in a high-risk environment. Riwald Recycling is in the possession of a VCA certificate and our VCA system meets the requirements European standards.
CO2 performance ladder
Using the CO2 Performance Ladder, we have set up a system that enables us to achieve reduction targets by measuring, registering, monitoring and adjusting our energy consumption (and therefore our CO2 emissions). We will communicate our energy policy, CO2 footprint and reduction targets internally and externally every six months. We will also provide information about our participation in the chain or sector initiatives in the field of CO2 reduction. The level at which we deal with CO2 reduction meets the requirements set by the SKAO/CO2 Performance Ladder for level 3
The University of Groningen has issued the certificate Supervision Employee Radiation Protection Measurement- and Control Applications - section X-ray equipment to Riwald Recycling employee Ömer Avci after successfully completing the training. A Supervisor Radiation Protector (TS) is an expert who performs an action, or under whose supervision an action is performed. The TS is referred to in the Basic Safety Standards Radiation Protection with the term 'radiation protection supervisor'.
The Defence Logistics Agency, a governmental agency of the United States Department of Defense, has granted an ABCS OF DEMIL certificate to Riwald Recycling after successful training sessions. This is a decree and regulation regarding the dismantling, transport, processing, recycling and destruction of military vehicles and equipment. Riwald Recycling meets these requirements focussing on reliability and professional proficiency in the field of environment and safety within the processing and recycling process.
Copper scrap
Thanks to our advanced processing and separation techniques, Riwald Recycling has obtained its End-of-Waste certificates with the criteria of European Regulations 333/2011 and 715/2013. With these certificates, Riwald Recycling demonstrates that they can process iron, steel, aluminum and copper scrap into pure raw materials, which can be used directly in the production process of new metals. This step furthers our position in sustainability and circularity
Iron and steel scrap
Thanks to our advanced processing and separation techniques, Riwald Recycling has obtained its End-of-Waste certificates with the criteria of European Regulations 333/2011 and 715/2013. With these certificates, Riwald Recycling demonstrates that they can process iron, steel, aluminum and copper scrap into pure raw materials, which can be used directly in the production process of new metals. This step furthers our position in sustainability and circularity
Aluminum scrap
Thanks to our advanced processing and separation techniques, Riwald Recycling has obtained its End-of-Waste certificates with the criteria of European Regulations 333/2011 and 715/2013. With these certificates, Riwald Recycling demonstrates that they can process iron, steel, aluminum and copper scrap into pure raw materials, which can be used directly in the production process of new metals. This step furthers our position in sustainability and circularity