
Most recent vacancies from our headquarter, Riwald Recycling Almelo & Riwald Recycling Beverwijk

Collection of our vacancies

Riwald Recycling operates in a very dynamic industry. We are a growing family business specialized in the field of high-tech metal recycling. Within Riwald Recycling we work with a professional, driven and ambitious team in order to achieve our sustainable objectives. Since the recycling of products is getting more and more complex, there is currently room for expansion in our team and we are looking for new reinforcements. In addition, every year we are looking for new (graduate) interns in the field of engineering, (online) marketing, finance, accounting, business & IT, circular economy and supply chain. We have already prepared assignments and are very flexible for your ideal customized (graduation) assignment. Send us an open application letter with your CV to and we will get back to you soon.    

Riwald Recycling transportboot metaal

Crane operator (Beverwijk)

Within our organization, as a crane operator you have a very varied, challenging and responsible position. As a machinist you are mainly responsible for assessing, inspecting and sorting material types correctly and efficiently. You are also responsible for loading the production machines, the storage and transshipment of materials and the independent loading and unloading of trucks and ships. You carry out all work in compliance with environmental and safety regulations. You are also responsible for the daily maintenance of your machine. In addition, you are able to work with other production machines, such as a forklift/shovel, and you contribute to order and cleanliness on the site. Riwald Recycling offers internal training to learn all processes and materials. ​

Vacature administratief medeweker weegbrug

Transport Manager (Almelo)

Binnen onze organisatie heb je als Transport Manager een zeer afwisselende, uitdagende en verantwoordelijke functie omtrent administratie, kostencalculaties en procesoptimalisatie. Als planner ben jij verantwoordelijk voor het efficiënt inplannen van het transport met oog voor de chauffeurs en het materieel. Jouw ondernemerschap en ervaring in transportplanning gebruik je om de afdeling transport aan te sturen. Je werkt als planner mee in de dagelijkse operatie, maar schakelt op verschillende niveaus, zowel op managementniveau als op operationeel niveau. Daarnaast draag je verantwoordelijkheid voor het voortdurend analyseren en optimaliseren van het transport. Je stuurt de eigen chauffeurs aan en maakt afspraken met externe transporteurs. Daarbij weet jij vrachten goed te combineren om het rendement zo maximaal mogelijk te maken. Je stuurt op basis van KPIs, zoals uren, verbruiken, onderhoud, schades en boetes. Je krijgt niet alleen de verantwoordelijkheid over de afdeling transport, maar ook de vrijheid om mee te denken over bedrijfsontwikkelingen. Sterker nog, eigen initiatief is zeer gewenst.

Riwald Recycling truck truck volvo service container service services

Truck driver (Almelo)

Within our organization as a crane operator you will have a very varied, challenging and responsible position. As a crane operator you are mainly responsible for the assessment, inspection and correct and efficient sorting of materials. You are also responsible for loading the production machines, the storage and transfer of materials and the independent loading and unloading of trucks and ships. All work is carried out in compliance with environmental and safety regulations. You are also responsible for the daily maintenance of your machine. In addition, you are able to work with other production machines, such as a forklift/shovel and contribute to order and tidiness on the yard. Riwald Recycling offers internal training to learn all processes and materials.

mbo stagiairs riwald recycling metaal

MBO Interns

Are you looking for an educational internship? For all MBO students we offer an educational environment. Within your own development space you will be included in various projects with experienced professionals. Within our high-tech complex you will discover your talents and your personal development goals.

hbo afstudeerders recycling metaal vacatures

HBO Interns

Are you looking for an educational internship? For all HBO students we offer an educational environment. Within your own development space you will be included in various projects with experienced professionals. Within our high-tech complex you will discover your talents and your personal development goals.

hbo afstudeerders recycling metaal vacatures

HBO Graduates

Are you looking for an educational graduateship? We offer an educational and inspiring environment for all HBO graduates. Within your own development space you will be able to conduct your own research. Within our high-tech complex you will discover your talents and your personal development goals.

Manager inkomende & uitgaande materialen bij Riwald Recycling

WO Interns

Are you looking for an educational internship? For all WO students we offer an educational environment. Within your own development space you will be included in various projects with experienced professionals. Within our high-tech complex you will discover your talents and your personal development goals.

Operating granulator expert Riwald Recycling

WO Graduates

Are you looking for an educational graduateship? We offer an educational and inspiring environment for all WO graduates. Within your own development space you will be able to conduct your own research. Within our high-tech complex you will discover your talents and your personal development goals.

SBB Recognized Training Company

As of 2016, Riwald Recycling may call itself an accredited training company. The cooperation with the Stichting Samenwerking Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven (SBB) ensures that education and business are combined for good practical training. Riwald Recycling has trained several BBL/BOL students, a number of which are also employed by Riwald Recycling within various departments.

Junior account manager, commercial employee, wholesale branch manager, road transport driver, earthmoving operator, mechanical operators A, B and C, construction employee, logistics employee and transport and logistics specialist.

Would you like to join the team? Then check out our vacancies page for the possibilities. Are we not specifically looking for someone, but you would like to work/internship with us? Then send us your CV to and we will contact you as soon as possible for suitable opportunities. 

mbo stagiairs riwald recycling metaal

Mechanical Operator A

The Mechanical Operator A is of limited duty and works with colleagues in the production process. The work mainly takes place within the own company and is limited to the production department. He may also come into contact with the quality and control departments and the maintenance and repair department.

beheer energie granulator expert

Mechanical Operator B

The Mechanical Operator B is versatile and works with colleagues in the production process on multiple machines and installations. The work mainly takes place within the own company and is limited to the production department. He may also come into contact with the quality and control departments and the maintenance and repair department. Process insight and analytical, signaling and solving skills are of great importance, downtime of 'his' machine(s) due to deviations and failures has consequences for the whole process/production.

hbo afstudeerders recycling metaal vacatures

Mechanical Operator C

The Mechanical Operator C is versatile and works with colleagues in the production process on multiple machines and installations. The work mainly takes place within the own company and is limited to the production department. He may also come into contact with the quality and control departments and the maintenance and repair department. Process insight and analytical, signaling and solving skills are of great importance, downtime of 'his' machine(s) due to deviations and failures has consequences for the whole process/production.

Manager inkomende & uitgaande materialen bij Riwald Recycling

Junior Accountmanager

Employees in the commercial occupational field must be able to function in an environment where the emphasis is on achieving commercial goals, revenue and attracting, retaining and engaging customers. Social and communication skills, commercial drive, creativity, customer focus, quality orientation, market orientation and a penchant for entrepreneurship are essential.

riwald 30 year anniversary content

Commercial Assistant

Employees in the commercial occupational field must be able to function in an environment where the emphasis is on achieving commercial goals, revenue and attracting, retaining and engaging customers. Social and communication skills, commercial drive, creativity, customer focus, quality orientation, market orientation and a penchant for entrepreneurship are essential.

Vestigingsmanager Riwald Recycling

Branch Manager

The branch manager wholesale is enterprising within the bandwidth given to him by the central organization. He has an eye for developments in the (local) market and is creative in seizing (commercial) opportunities. He can present his ideas convincingly and enthuse others. On the one hand he adheres to rules and procedures and strives for efficiency, and on the other hand he is flexible to adapt to different situations.

Louritex phgf-1000 scrap shears Almelo branches

Earthmoving operator

The earthmoving operator performs earthmoving work with earthmoving machines and works with shovels (small to large), dump trucks (small to large) including lifting work in relation to these earthmoving activities.

Vacature riwald recycling heftruck machine operator

Logistics Assistant

However, the logistician performs all his duties in the warehouse and in the field and only deals with the logistics process. The logistics employee is a team player and focused on team goals. In this, he follows the directions of his supervisor and cooperates with his colleagues. He works in a structured and precise manner and carries out assignments as agreed.

Vacature administratief medeweker weegbrug

Transportation and Logistics Specialist

Goods have to be transported and you plan how this is done: which and though trucks are used, which drivers are driving, what is the pick-up and delivery time, the transport route has to be determined; you name it. You learn all kinds of things about logistics and communication, because all day long you are planning and consulting with suppliers, customers and drivers. You have to be flexible, as circumstances can constantly change.

Brandijzer ferrometaal

Construction engineer

The Construction Engineer is employed in the metal products industry at various types of companies performing a variety of construction activities and technical service support. His work take place both within his own company and at project sites.

Vrachtwagenchauffeur vacature

Road transportation driver

The Road Transport Driver is employed by a transportation company, an in-house carrier, or another company with a transport department. His workplace is the truck in all possible variations and versions (assemblies of vehicles including trailers and semi-trailers, load carriers such as deposit boxes and containers). European regulations require, in addition to a valid driving license of the corresponding category, proof of professional competence (Code 95) for driving a truck.

SBB – Learning in Praxis